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‘Raceway Crowning’ of roller bearings
Contact pressure distribution in bearings is determined by micro-geometry of the contact surfaces, related axial and radial loads and by misalignment between shaft and housing, while especially cylindrical and tapered roller bearings are very sensitive for misalignment which can be caused by both initial manufacturing deviations or by elastic deflection due to operation conditions. In most applications, loads and misalignment can hardly be influenced why optimization of micro-geometry is very important for reaching proper contact pattern without any critical pressure peaks and thus providing sufficient lifetime of the bearing.

By means of finite-elements-method, contact pattern due to operational loads and deflections can be assessed which allows discussion of different concepts for micro-geometry. Subsequently both optimized geometry can be determined and influence of tolerances can be estimated. Based on that, detailed specifications for micro-geometry can be developed for each particular bearing and application.
As optimization based on sophisticated simulation of each particular case is very expensive, in a second step, a simplified method has been developed which allows transferring of results from one case to a family of similar applications. Subsequently, micro-geometry of roller bearings can be controlled by reasonable effort and precision which is sufficient for a broad spectrum of applications.
In Turkey, a Majority (66%) Would Not Feel Safe Riding in a Car or Motor Vehicle with Counterfeit Parts
Ankara – Seven in ten (66%) of those in Turkey would not feel safe riding in a car or motor vehicle if they knew it contained imitation, copy or counterfeit mechanical or engine parts but three quarters (74%) believe it’s often impossible to tell the difference since there are so many imitation, copy or counterfeit products that look exactly like the real, authentic product. Furthermore, a majority (69%) of those in Turkey agree it is hard to know who to trust when buying parts for a car or vehicle.
The new poll, conducted by global research company Ipsos on behalf of Honeywell, surveyed 1,016 Turkish adults from March 1st to April 7th.
Counterfeit Car Parts Leave Turkish Residents Feeling Unsafe
Seven in ten (66%) of those in Turkey disagree that they would feel safe riding in a car or motor vehicle if they knew it contained imitation, copy or counterfeit mechanical or engine parts – 41% disagree very much, 25% disagree somewhat. Three quarters (74%), however, agree (35% very much, 39% somewhat) there are so many imitation, copy or counterfeit products in their country that look exactly like the real, authentic product it’s often impossible for consumers like themselves to tell the difference.
Counterfeit Parts Are Widely Used and Available…
Counterfeit products appear widely purchased and available in Turkey. Seven in ten (74%) have either bought a cheaper imitation, copy or counterfeit product, or know someone who has, because it was cheaper.
One in eight (14%) know someone who has bought an imitation, copy or counterfeit product to repair a car or motor vehicle. These parts are considered widely available: six in ten (61%) say cheaper imitation, copy or counterfeit car or motor parts are available for people to buy in Turkey: 32% say they are very available while 30% say they are somewhat available.
…But People Don’t Want to Take Their Chances on Safety
Only one in three (34%) agree (7% very much, 27% somewhat) they would rather take their chances on safety with an imitation, copy or counterfeit product than pay for the more expensive, authentic brand product and only two in ten (22%) agree (6% very much, 16% somewhat) that they don’t care if they buy and use an imitation, copy or counterfeit product instead of the authentic, brand product - that as long as it’s cheap and works is all that matters.
Lack of Trust in Car Mechanics
Seven in ten (69%) agree (32% very much, 36% somewhat) it’s hard to know who to trust when buying parts for a car or vehicle.
The lack of confidence does not appear to be linked to a questioning of mechanic knowledge: six in ten (61%) agree (20% very much, 42% somewhat) that car and motor vehicle mechanics have the right training to know the difference between genuine, quality products that they are installing and those products that may be imitation, copy or counterfeit.
Perhaps the lack of confidence is driven by a lack of inclusion in the decision making process. Only half (48%) agree (16% very much, 32% somewhat) that when they’ve a car or motor vehicle in to be fixed, they have been given the choice between installing a cheaper imitation, copy or counterfeit part instead of the authentic, more expensive brand product.
Either way, the result of this lack of confidence in car mechanics appears to be that only one in three (36%) agree (14% very much, 22% somewhat) people who have a car or motor vehicle would know for sure if a part installed by a mechanic was a cheaper imitation, copy or counterfeit than the real, authentic part.
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